General reaches milestone, added to top 100 list of growing blogs on

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aura is thrilled to announce that has reached a major milestone by being added to the blogs of the day, and making number 84 on the top 100 list of growing blogs on for June 12th 2009. Check it out here. On June 11th, 2009 we had 4159 visitors to our blog, making it our busiest day since launched in March of 2006. I am very pleased that is attracting more visitors and want to thank all those who visit regularly, or who just happen to stop by, for helping us reach this important milestone. I’m grateful for your interest and welcome you to keep visiting and join in the conversation by adding your thoughts and comments to our posted topics.



Kitchen Danger! GE Microwaves go up in Flames

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(WXYZ) – Microwaves are in almost every kitchen. But this popular appliance is suspected of bursting into flames. And here’s the scary part: Consumers say it happens when the microwave is not turned on and when they’re not home. Read all the scary news with accompanying vid at LINK

aura writes; prolly stamped made in china. aren’t you glad we outsource most manufacturing?

The Sun Also Sets-Global cooling ahead?

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“Canadian scientists are seeking additional funding for more and better ‘eyes’ with which to observe our sun, which has a bigger impact on Earth’s climate than all the tailpipes and smokestacks on our planet combined. And they’re worried about global cooling, not warming.” ENDQUOTE
What about Al Gore’s so-called “Global Warming consensus” ???

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Clocks of Brooklyn Building Are Ticking, and in Sync

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Since August 2006, a team has spent countless hours getting the nearly 80-year-old clocks atop the former Williamsburgh Savings Bank in working order. The many months of planning, of disassembling and reassembling, of testing and retesting, had wound down to this scene: Alexander Krukis focusing on his BlackBerry,

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Top 10 Telephone Tricks

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With the right tones, keypresses, phone numbers, and know-how, you can skip through or cut off long-winded automated voice systems and humans, access web services by voice, and smartly screen incoming calls. Check out our picks of the 10 best telephony techniques for getting more done in less time over the phone.

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Ron Paul Blimp Charts Unprecedented Course

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By: Kenneth P. Vogel
Dec 6, 2007 05:36 PM EST


Up in the sky: It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s … Ron Paul?

If a whimsical publicity stunt goes as planned, a blimp hyping the long-shot Republican presidential campaign of the Texas congressman will launch next week.

The Ron Paul blimp is set to fly from North Carolina, over Washington, New York and Boston, before heading to New Hampshire, where the Jan. 8 primary offers the iconic libertarian perhaps his best chance of translating his zealous Internet support into votes.

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I’m Back

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…haven’t been blogging much lately because I was taking care of a sick friend. He’s now well, thanks be to God, so I’ll resume my posts. I tried to clean up the blog as much as possible after some problems cropped up while installing an upgrade, but I need to do more work on it. I’ll get to it one of these days…maybe


A message to mysticalmaven’s visitors from its administrator

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Hi all,

On the off chance there are regular readers or visitors to this blog, I wanted to explain what you may have already noticed. I recently tried to upgrade this wordpress powered blog and in the process of doing so ran into some problems. During the process of trying to upgrade, some of the links to my images disappeared, as did the pages I had set up, and some of my posts were scrambled. This has left my blog in a state of semi disarray, which is unfortunate since I was preparing to upload some cool new content. For example, I spoke with Alex Jones on his radio show in May, and I was getting ready to upload an MP3 file of that audio. I have also purchased a new video camera and had shot a video, which I was preparing to upload to youtube and this blog. I also wanted to provide sweeping coverage of one of my favorite world leaders, Mamoud Ahmadinejad’s visit to the US today for a speech at the UN, but because of my software problems, I am forced to hold off from providing any new content at this time.

Since WordPress blogs are poorly developed and assistance is lacking, I have decided to import my blog content into the Movable Type format. I am currently looking for someone with know how of blog software to help me import my WP content into MT format. Until I complete that task, I will not be posting any more content to this blog. I’ll try to hurry on the off chance someone actually reads my posts and cares, and I might get it done before the US and Israel attack Iran. Once I’ve accomplished the transfer, I’ll hopefully be able to post and upgrade with greater ease.

It is important that I upgrade often since these upgrades provide the security fixes required to correct bugs in the programs. This is important especially since the shills from democraticunderground have alread hacked into my blog and posted an unauthorized comment after I so unceremoniously crashed their fundraiser by posting a diary entry on daily kos critcial of their censorship policies (for which I was quickly banned from dailykos). Ever since being banned from democratic boards and leaving others for lack of honest debate, I have been posting here to little fanfare. I am perhaps the biggest reader of this blog, since it provides an outlet for me to unleash my frustrations about humanity’s fall and its loss of righteous stewardship of this generous planet. Perhaps one day true reverence for this motherly world and its unique place in the cosmos will be restored.

I’m all over this blog problem for anyone who cares, so don’t worry. I’ll make some calls and see if I can round up an extra pair of hands to help get it back on the right track.

Just in case anyone was wondering,


Ron Paul rides dark horse towards victory in Republican primary

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Ron Paul Wins Fox News Viewer Poll with 33% after Republican Debate

aura writes; Ron Paul’s debate performance last night was far superior to that of his corporate sponsored opponents. It was his strongest appearance to date and many of his positions were greeted with enthusiastic cheering by the audience. Ron Paul won the post debate viewer poll conducted by Fox News with 33%, leaving his opponents behind in the single digits. Sean Hannity announced the poll results afterward during the spin segment with consternation. I think he should quit Fox News in protest. Either that or kill himself.

mysticalmaven will now rate the debate performances of the other candidates.

Lady Giuliani
Erectile dysfunction best describes Rudy Giuliani’s debate performance last night. He was too busy daydreaming of Judy torturing dogs to make much of a mark. Rudy is the poster boy for corrupt politicians, and even his cross eyed wife can’t change that. Hum afew bars of this , Rudy, which pretty much sums up your entire life.

Moneybags Mitt (is mean to dogs) Romney
Have you taken your Ciallis lately, sums up Romney’s dismal performance in last night’s debate. You gotta give him credit though – not a hair was out of place, and he STILL looked bad. How DOES he do it? Hey plastic man – you’re an absolute horror . Take two Ciallis and call me in the morning.

Maniacal McCain
John McCain gives insanity a bad name. And his arguments and positions pack as much punch as counterfiet Viagra. This guy reminds me of a life size ventriloquist’s dummy. When will he get a clue? And does anyone know what’s wrong with his arms? Is it a Viet Cong thing(say no more)? The straight talk express is officially a trainwreck, yet he continues to fancy himself as the little engine that could. Get real John. The 70’s are long gone, and I’m not talking birthdays.

Duncan Hunter; Congressman Hunter gets a gold star for his anti NAFTA views and his strong stance against the illegal alien invasion from Mexico. He seems sincere in his beliefs and comes across as his own man. I would feel comfortable with him winning the Republican nomination for the White house on his immigration stance alone. Since Ron Paul is my personal choice for president however, Duncan might be better suited for VP. His views on Iraq and torture are flawed, but at least he is not completely owned by the Wall Street crowd.

Tom Trancredo; I’m impressed by Congressman Tancredo’s passionate positons, especially his staunch opposition to illegal immigration, his disdain for President Bush and his unwavering support for Compion and Ramos. We don’t agree on everything though. For instance; Tancredo’s anti muslim views and support for the Iraq war are appalling, and his understanding of Middle East Politics is laughable. Its flat out wrong. Tancredo sounds as though his positions have been spoon fed to him by the mainstream media. He needs to crack a book and stop relying on the Fox News talking heads to put lies in his mouth. His volcanic temper would be better directed towards the criminal elements withinour government instead of at Muslims. Then he’ll be cooking with gas, instead of cutting the cheese.

Mike Huckabee; I respect the fact that Govenor Huckabee has lost over 170lbs, unfortunately, none of it was in his head. For this reason, I have nicknamed him Fathead Huckabee. Even though he is an avid watcher of Fox News, he’s somehow managed to convince himself that the blue and red states stand “united.” Hello!!! Is there anybody home upstairs? Huckabee needs to take off his tin foil hat and open his eyes. My crystal ball tells me we’re skrewed if he wins, but despite the happy talk about him by the cable lackeys, I don’t think he has a prayer – thank God!

Senator Sam Brownback – This guys gives me the wet willies. His smile is so sinister, he could pass for a serial killer, which of course makes him perfect for the Senate. The word senate in itself is evil. It has dark overtones dating back to the corruption that was Rome. Suffice it to say Brownback doesn’t float my boat at all. In fact quite the contrary. Sam should adopt this theme song for his campagin. He has no choice but to embrace the darkness enveloping him.

Chewed up Vick cards sell for $7,400

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See Spot Chew

By Brian Charlton,
Associated Press Writer
34 minutes ago

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – The eBay auction for 22 Michael Vick football cards, chewed up and slobbered on by two Missouri dogs, ended Wednesday as the winning bidder dished out $7,400 — with the money expected to be donated to the Humane Society.

The success of that auction, with 31 different bidders, created a craze of 25 other postings this week offering torn up cards featuring the disgraced NFL superstar.

But so far, the original post from Rochelle Steffen, of Cape Girardeau, Mo., has been the only auction to attract droves of bidders.

Steffen gave Monte, her 6-year-old Weimaraner, and Roxie, her Great Dane puppy, every Vick card she owned to destroy. The result: The cards worth $1-to-$10 were crumpled, crimped, chewed, torn and generally in a sorry state. Some even had corners missing.

“When I started this, I only expected to get $100 for a local shelter,” Steffen told The Associated Press on Wednesday. “But it’s received so much attention. It’s for such a good cause.”

The gnawed cards were the most expensive Vick items on eBay, with well-preserved rookie cards, autographed jerseys and other collectibles selling for far less.

Vick pleaded guilty to a federal dogfighting charge this week. He will be sentenced Dec. 10.