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Man detained and harassed at airport for carrying CASH!

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Luke Rudowski jailed in Rotten Apple

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Luke Rudkowski Arrested for Attempting to Question Mayor Bloomberg – prisonplanet.com

WeAreChange founder and activist Luke Rudkowski was arrested at the Hilton Hotel on Manhattan today for attempting to question New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg about his erfusal to pay for the health care of 9/11 first responders. Rudkowski had Infowars press credentials and a video camera when he was singled out by Bloomberg’s security in the lobby of the hotel located at West 53rd Street and Avenue of the Americas (Sixth Avenue).

As a progressive, a liberal, and a democrat, I cannot support Geithner’s plan

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AllentownJake says; I order these in importance to me from least to most with 1 being the least important and 5 being the most important.

1) What do the democrats get out of this plan? As part of getting this plan has a deal been struck with the other side to support it? As a party are we taking all the risk? We all know a few calls from these banks to their republican friends could provide enough cross party support to make this plan widely supported.

2) So what are we going to do about the rest of the economy. Throwing a trillion dollars into the banks? What does this do for Detroit and other businesses that actually make things instead of manufacture paper and computer entries.

3) What concessions have we gotten concerning other issues. Are these banks going to suddenly be more friendly or at the least be less vocal about their oppositions to unions and other progressive causes? Do we get the EFCA out of the deal and less opposition to regulation? Or are they going to use their coffers to finance campaigns against the very things we hold most dear. Our we essentially financing our opposition. We got no concessions on executive pay out of this or anything else I can see. It just looks like a giant gift to the enemies of the causes I believe in.

4) What kind of precedent does this send to the people that orchestrated this mess? Seriously they have just essentially robbed the American people and the institutions they were entrusted and not only are the going to get away with it, in a lot of ways they are going to be rewarded for that behavior. Rewarding bad behavior is not good for society.

5) We only get one shot at this. If this fails, we don’t have the resources to get a do over. If this succeeds in the short term but only allows the bad guys to do the same thing again 2-3 years later what have we really gained? I didn’t vote and volunteer to have a Bill Clinton. I voted and volunteered for an FDR. I want reform not a temporary uptick in the economy till the bad guys find a new way to rob us blind again. LINK

Account of C.I.A. Tapes Is Challenged

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Former C.I.A. official who authorized destruction of videotapes of harsh interrogation of terrorism suspects had apparently been directed to save them. Representative Peter Hoekstra, Republican of Michigan, said Jose A. Rodriguez Jr., head of the C.I.A.’s clandestine service at the time, had not “gotten authority from anyone” to destroy the tapes.

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Gestapo Chertoff orders Americans born after 12/1/64 to get Real ID or else

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WASHINGTON (AP) — Residents of at least 17 states are suddenly stuck in the middle of a fight between the Bush administration and state governments over post-September 11 security rules for driver’s licenses — a dispute that, by May, could leave millions of people unable to use their licenses to board planes or enter federal buildings.

The new rules are aimed at protecting Americans, but civil liberties officials say they go too far.

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, who unveiled final details of the REAL ID Act’s rules on Friday, said that if states want their licenses to remain valid for air travel after May 2008, those states must seek a waiver indicating they want more time to comply with the legislation.

Chertoff said that in instances where a particular state doesn’t seek a waiver, its residents will have to use a passport or a newly created federal passport card if they want to avoid a vigorous secondary screening at airport security.

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Gestapo Chertoff orders Americans born after 12/1/64 to get Real ID or else

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WASHINGTON (AP) — Residents of at least 17 states are suddenly stuck in the middle of a fight between the Bush administration and state governments over post-September 11 security rules for driver’s licenses — a dispute that, by May, could leave millions of people unable to use their licenses to board planes or enter federal buildings.

The new rules are aimed at protecting Americans, but civil liberties officials say they go too far.

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, who unveiled final details of the REAL ID Act’s rules on Friday, said that if states want their licenses to remain valid for air travel after May 2008, those states must seek a waiver indicating they want more time to comply with the legislation.

Chertoff said that in instances where a particular state doesn’t seek a waiver, its residents will have to use a passport or a newly created federal passport card if they want to avoid a vigorous secondary screening at airport security.

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TSA detains five year old at Sea-Tac Airport, citing national security risk

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aura writes; Here’s the link to the video . His mother was not allowed to comfort her child during the frisking, with the TSA officers citing national security concerns. I’m sure that dual Israeli/American citizen and Homeland Security SS gestapo Chertoff would be pleased with this latest travesty of justice.

Ron Paul is looking better every day.

Top British Banker Rallies Countries to Destroy the U.S. Dollar

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December 7, 2007 (LPAC)–The countries of the Middle East and Asia should break their links with the U.S. dollar, taking advantage of the currency’s vulnerability, demands Gerard Lyons, the chief economist at Standard Chartered–historically one of the leading banks of the British Empire.

In a column in today’s Financial Times, Lyons writes that, although the recent summit of Gulf states in Doha failed to resolve the currency issue, nonetheless a seismic shift may be underway in currency policy in the Middle East. Lyons makes three recommendations: 1) The Middle East should change currency policy now, with a 20% revaluation, and introduction of a currency basket to which its currencies should be pegged. 2) Asians should follow the Middle East, and continue to move further away from the dollar. 3) Policy-makers and companies should think more in trade-weighted, than dollar, terms. Although the world has been able to cope with the dollar’s fall in recent years because of benign economic conditions, Lyons gloats, “Now, the dollar is vulnerable in a harsher economic climate.” Policy-makers in Asia and the Middle East cannot ignore the case for loosening their ties to the dollar, nor should the private sector, the City of London spokesman concludes. LINK

aura writes; Americans don’t realize that the revolutionary war never really ended, it just went underground. British elitists, based largely in the city of London, continue to wage an economic war against the liberated people of the United States in order to undermine our freedoms and Constitution. We must resurrect the spirit of 1776 in order to defeat them.